Napoleonic Re-enacting in North America
Napoleonic Re-enacting in North America
Brigade Napoleon is a Napoleonic Era (ca. 1793 - 1815) re-enactment organization in North America.
Brigade Napoleon is open to any and all Troops of all nations, or to individuals of those units.
We are an association of like minded friends, NOT a political body.
We have an on-line discussion forum to provide members, and member units,
an avenue to disseminate information on upcoming events, post reports and pictures of past events, uniforms, and equipment.
HMS, Pacific Station 93rdhighlanders
Duncan Miles
Duncan invites any BN French Infantry
wishing to attend their events in Europe
to contact him.
Maxime dit La Fleche
Verband Les Compagnons du Matlot Lomier Jahrfeier Marins de la Garde
Volkerschlacht b. Leipzig
1813 e.V. Rene dit La Marmote
Other Friends of the Brigade
Hector Diaz
Brigade Contacts
Slate of Officers, as of 1/1/22
President Peter Butrite
Vice President Jim Cormier
Secretary Jason Wilkins
Treasurer Timothy Strain
To contact members of the Board
message us from our FaceBook page:
Brigade Napoleon

The 21e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
The 21 eme Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne is modeled after a French Napoleonic line infantry regiment.
The period of history we re-create is from 1812 -1815.
During this period the 21e was an elite regiment in the first corps of the Grande Armee
and served under the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.
The 21e regiment is made up of co-operative companies,
the original unit formed in England, the 1er Compagnie,
and the 3e Compagnie in North America, and lastly a 4e Compagnie in Australia.
The 21e is a founding member of the Napoleonic Association (NA) in England.
It is also a founding member of the Grande Armee (GA), which holds re-enactment events all over France,
and now the 21e is looking to continue to expand its membership base here in North America.
Which Part of The Regiment Suits You?
There are four parts of the Regiment which you can join: the Line, or Fusiliers; the Drum Corps; the Medical Team; and the Camp Followers.
The Line is made up of men and women fourteen (14) years and older.
It teaches the infantry drill, care and usage of a musket, and takes part in battle re-enactments.
The Drum Corp is made up of men and women interested in period music.
Not only do you get a fancier uniform, you gat to march at the head of the Regiment.
The Drum Corps is a good place to start for those too young to be fusiliers.
The Medical Team provides a place for those interested in re-enactment who do not wish to drill or learn to play an instrument.
You get the excitement of participating on the field without the expense involved in being a fusilier.
You also get shot at and yelled at much less than the humble fusilier.
The Camp Followers is for anyone interested in re-creating 19th century life.
This is a good group to join for those more interested in "living history" than in battles.
Service D'Habillement
Uniformes et Grand Equipement
16eme Regiment de Dragons
This long established unit was raised before 1791 as the Duc d'Orleans Regiment.
In that year it was renamed the 16eme Regiment de Dragons;
it was renamed again briefly as the 11eme in 1814.
It returned to its previous number and was disbanded after Napoleon's final defeat in 1815.
The men made up the medium cavalry and were trained to fight on foot as well as mounted.
They saw extensive service all over Europe:
1805 with the Grand Armee in Germany and Austerlitz;
1806 - 1807 in Prussia to fight at Jenna and in the pursuit of the Prussians at Prentzlov,
then in Poland at Bergfried Eylau, and finally at Friedland;
1808 -1813 they saw service in the Peninsula War in Spain
and were engaged at Arzobispo, Talevera, Ocana, Alca-Real, Malaga, Moralez, and Vitoria.
Following these long and arduous campaigns they fought in the winter campaign in France
to defend Paris in 1814 at Mormant Valiouan, Bar-sur Aube, and Arcis sur-Aube.
It was all for naught and they were disbanded on April 3rd of that year.
During the One Hundred Days Campaign of 1815
the unit was reformed with Imperial Title on April 8th.
Detachments on the unit fought at Ligny.
Join us in helping to recreate this fine regiment.
Information from Osprey's "Napoleon's Dragoons and Lancers"
For more information, please contact:
Larry Long
57 Skyview Drive
Franklin, NJ 07416-2301
16 e Regiment de Dragons

Uniform of a Fusilier of the 21e
The 3e Compagnie of the 21e Regiment proudly wears the uniform of the fusilier as described by the 1812 regulations. This is the uniform of Lutzen, Bautzen, Dresden, Leipzig and the Campaign of 1814 in France and at Waterloo. It is possible that the 21e, as part of Davout's Corp, might have worn this uniform in Russia.
Guidelines Regarding Equipment
Uniform: Reglement de 1812 - Enactment of these regulations covers the period from 1812 to 1815.
We can consider the enactment of the regulations to be adhered to by mid 1813; nevertheless, there must have been modifications and items from previous eras that remained in use.
Items of concern to a fusiliers uniform:
a. Tenue d'Exercise - fusilier en gilet (waistcoat), bonnet de police (pokalem model), la giberne et banderole (cartridge box and belt), pantalon en toile porte par dessus les guertes (linen trousers worn outside the gaiters), guetres (short gaiters), et le bidon (water bottle).
b. Tenue de Service - habite-veste (square bottomed, short-tailed coat), le shako de fusilier (fusilier's model shako), la giberne, pantalon en toile porte par dessus les guetres, guetres, l'havre-sac (backpack), et le bidon.
c. Tenue de Route - fusilier en capote porte par dessus le gilet (greatcoat worn over waistcoat, the habite-veste being rolled-up carried on top of the backpack), le shako de fusilier recouvert d'un couvre shako (fusilier's model shako covered in linen, oilskin or leather cover), la giberne recover-giberne (giberne covered in protective cloth), pantalon en toile porte par dessus les guetres, l'havre-sac, and le bidon.
d. Grande Tenue - habite-veste (capote rolled up and on top of backpack), le shako de fusilier, la giberne, pantalon d'etoffe (wool tricot overalls reaching the ankle worn inside the gaiters, also long underwear as overalls are un-lined), guetres, l'havre-sac, et le bidon.
e. Musician Uniform - Regiment de 1812. Imperial livery.
f. Schako - would have eagle plate with 21, tri-color cocarde, chinscales, cockade, and aurore colored pom-pom (3e Compagnie).
g. Buttons - brass 21 enclosed in wreath.
h. Musket - An IX Charleville, with bayonet.
Necessities for Participation at Events
Habit-vest, Gilet or greatcoat, Fusil (Musket), Giberne and Porte-Giberne (Cartridge box and belt), Schako or Pokalem (if you do not have eagle plate the shako should be covered in waxed linen, oilskin, or leather cover), Overalls (linen or cotton period trousers),
Habit Gilet Shako Pokalem Giberne, Porte-Giberne, Haversac
Charleville An IX Fusil
95th Rifles, 1st Battalion, 2nd Coy
Eastern Region (east of the Mississippi)
Jim Tate
95th Rifles 1st Battalion 2nd Company
HMS Pacific Station
John Bertram
825 S. Ogden Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90036
93rd Regiment of Foot
Sunderland Highlanders
B. Jennings, Lt. Col.
K. Lamar, Corporal
42nd Regiment of Foot
Royal Highland Regiment
Iain Burns
115 Wellington Circle
Williamsburg, VA 23185
95th Rifles, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Coy
Midwest & Pacific Region (west of the Mississippi)
Patrick Schifferdecker
3. Bataillon, 2. Pommershe
Peter Butrite
Ed Seufert
Prussian 14th Brigade
Friends of the Brigade War of 1812 CFNA
3rd East Kent Regiment - The Buffs
Ian Johns
4th Regiment of Foot King's Own
Ian Baker
4th Kings Own Regiment of Foot
European Friends of the Brigade
French, Allied, & Coalition Forces
Les Grenadiers d'ile de France (GDIF)
M. Herve Blaise
If you wish to contact the GDIF but don't speak French
contact Victor Eiser
Emilio Multari
Le Relais de l'Empire
3e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Sgt. Jeff Roncone
10202 Wesleigh Drive
Columbia, MD 21046-1134
21e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne, 3e Compangnie
Capitaine Mike Matthews
W2395 Snowberry Drive
Appleton, WI 54915
Les Grenadiers du 57eme Ligne
"Le Terrible" Compangnie des Grenadiers
Jim Cormier
7000 Aquamarine Rd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113
505 798 0194
1er Regiment Grenadiers a Pieds
de la Garde Imperiale, 2e Bn 3e Co.
Victor Eiser
6300 Trans Canada
Pointe-Claire, QC Canada H9R 1B9
Legion Irlandaise, 2nd Battalion
Cpl Kenneth Dacey
Southern California
2nd Battalion Legion Irlandaise
Southern California
Grossherzoglitch Wurzburgischen Infanterieregment
Grand Duke of Wurzburg's Infantry Regiment
Ignaz Gyulai
4th & 7th Hussars
Ken Ruddell Unit Commander
16eme Regiment de Dragons
Lawrence Long
59 Skyview Drive
Franklin, NJ 07416-2301
6e Regiment d'Infanterie Legere
Grant Kohler
Sycamore, IL USA
6eme regiment d'infanterie legere
3e Regiment de Cuirassiers
Captaine Paul Flemming 5104 Brookshire Court West
Fredricksburg, VA 22408
540 429 4753
Bataillon des Marins de la Garde Imperial
4eme equipage, 2eme Escouade (section Jean Grivel)
Victor Eiser
6300 Trans Canada
Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada H9R 1B9

42 nd Royal Highland Regiment
At the time of the Battle of Waterloo (June 18th, 1815) during the Napoleonic Wars, the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment was already ninety years old. It was first raised as a military police force in 1725, charged with keeping "watch upon the braes" by guarding against lawlessness that might take the form of anything from theft of cattle to open rebellion by those who wished to see a change of monarchs. Its success lead it to be Regimented as the first British Army Regiment whose uniform included such items of Scottish dress as the kilt and Highland Bonnet, making its soldiers instantly distinguishable from not only the Lowland Scottish, but also the English, Irish, and welsh Regiments. We portray the Regiment as it might have appeared on that rain sodden field in Belgium near the end of the Hundred Days when Napoleon tried to return to power after his first exile from France.
After Napoleon escaped his cage on Elba, the 42nd was rushed to Belgium with other British Army Regiments. Two days before Waterloo took part in the battle at the crossroads of Quartre Bras, where it was heavily engaged against the French Cavalry and Infantry. After the battle, the British and combined Coalition Force was pulled back to a more defensible position overlooking a valley near the village of Waterloo, where Napoleon vainly crashed his army against a rocky shore composed of European powers. By the evening of the 18th of June, Napoleon was defeated and on the run.
Before Waterloo the Regiment had served in Spain, Portugal, and France during the Napoleonic Wars, and earlier, in the 1700's. had served The King in places including Flanders and North America, where it fought during both the French and Indian War and the American Revolution.
The uniform we wear is a combination of items of Highland origin (the Kilt, diced Hose and Bonnet; along with the Highland Broad Sword carried by the Sergeants and Officers, and the British Pattern smoothbore Musket and Bayonet.
Our re-created 42 has members currently in Ontario, New England, Maryland, and Virginia, and is always looking for strong lads willing to take up arms in defense of their King, and fight for the defeat of the Despot, Bonaparte. If you have an interest in history and wish to learn more about the period at the beginning of the rise of modern Europe, stop by our encampment, where you might just be able to feel the joy of taking the King's Shilling.
For more information, contact Iain Burns at, or visit our Facebook page at